Umbrel steps

App Store edition

Bitcoin Knots is now available in the official Umbrel App Store and you can install it easily, however the App Store edition is NOT compatible with other apps. Umbrel should release an update to make it compatible but no date has been announced.

Community edition

if you don't have a node yet

  1. install Umbrel
  2. Install the alternative app store
    • Go to app store
    • click on ... in the top right corner
    • click on community app stores
    • paste this link on URL :
    • click on open
    • finally install the version of your platform

if you already have a node

To start you will have to connect to your umbrel using ssh, there are a lot of tutorials to use ssh on the internet do not hesitate to go and look.

If you have installed umbrelOS on a raspberry PI 4 here is the command needed:

ssh -t umbrel@umbrel.local

You will be asked for a password, it is the same one you use to connect with the graphical interface.

automatic installation

Get Léo Haf's key.

gpg --keyserver --recv-key CACC7CBB26B3D2EE8FC2F2BC0E37EBAB8574F005

Retrieve the script and its signature.

wget && wget

Now check the signature.

gpg --verify

If the signature is correct you can run the script.

chmod +x && ./

thats it you have knots on your node.

Manual instruction

In order to avoid a new long synchronization, we will save the data of your current node and then transfer it to the new one.

Let's start by stopping all container:

sudo docker stop $(sudo docker ps -q)

Create a backup folder:

mkdir ~/umbrel/backup

Move all files except the Bitcoin folder:

cp -r ~/umbrel/app-data/!(bitcoin) ~/umbrel/backup

Delete original files:

sudo rm -r ~/umbrel/app-data/!(bitcoin)

Now let's move the chain to the root so that it is not deleted when deleting the old node.

mv ~/umbrel/app-data/bitcoin/data/ ~/umbrel/

We can now remove the node.

sudo ./umbrel/scripts/app uninstall bitcoin

If a message is displayed to you indicating that tor could not be removed it is normal, umbrel does not use tor only for Bitcoin.

sudo ~/umbrel/scripts/repo add

The command above can take up to five minutes to be fully effective.

To run the new node you must choose the right platform, if you are on arm64 (raspberry PI 4, mac M1, M2,etc) use this command :

sudo ./umbrel/scripts/app install btc-knots

If you are on x86-64 (most PCs, server) use this command:

sudo ./umbrel/scripts/app install btc-knotsx86

Now that the new node is installed let's stop it to restore data.

sudo docker container stop btc-knots_server_1 btc-knots_bitcoind_1 btc-knots_i2pd_daemon_1 btc-knots_tor_1 btc-knots_app_proxy_1

Now we can restore data.

sudo rm -r ~/umbrel/app-data/btc-knots/data/
mv ~/umbrel/data/ ~/umbrel/app-data/btc-knots/

We can now restart your computer:

sudo shutdown -r now

And there you go, you now have ordisrespector (knots) on your node.